NMSSI Courses for Mathematics Teachers
All courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise noted.
MATH 800P - Number and Operation for K-3 Math Specialists
This first course of the Primarily Math program will strengthen teachers’ conceptual knowledge of number and operation in the K-3 mathematics curriculum. The course connects the intuitive mathematical understandings that children bring to school and links them to an understanding of place value in the K-3 curriculum. The significance of base 10 in our place value system, along with its role in arithmetic operations and their properties is a major emphasis of the course. Selected cases and student work samples serve as the primary vehicles through which teachers study connections between the mathematical content and student learning and development in the primary classroom. Topics addressed in the course are aligned with NCTM Standards and the NCTM Focal Points. The course offers a foundation for developing “habits of mind of a mathematical thinker,” particularly as they relate to problem solving, reasoning, and writing mathematical explanations. Teachers can apply to the Primarily Math program until April 1, 2024.
Audience: K 1 2 3
Class #: 5415 (web), 8314 (LPS)
Location and Dates:
Web Conferencing: July 8-12 and 15-17, 8am-noon (Zoom, with breaks); In Person for LPS: July 15-19 and 22-26, 8am-5pm
MATH 801P - Geometry, Measurement & Algebraic Thinking for K-3 Math Specialists
This course of Primarily Math promotes a deep understanding of geometry, measurement and algebraic thinking and its role in the K-3 mathematics curriculum. Emphasis is placed on mathematical argument related to geometric relationships, measurement, spatial reasoning, patterns, relations and functions. Teachers can apply to the Primarily Math program until April 1, 2024.
Audience: K 1 2 3
Class #: 5417 (web), 8315 (LPS)
Locations and Dates:
Web Conferencing: July 18-19 and July 22-26, 8am-noon (Zoom, with breaks); In Person for LPS: July 15-19 and 22-26, 8am-5pm
MATH 800T - Math as a Second Language
This course is a study of numbers and operations from a teacher’s perspective. From an early emphasis on counting, cardinality and our place value system, the course will emphasize the arithmetic operations with an emphasis on fractions, decimals and the rational number system. An emphasis will be placed on units of measure and how numbers serve as adjectives that modify nouns (units). The course also focuses on problem solving and reasoning and developing the “habits of mind of a mathematical thinker.” Seventh- and eighth-grade teachers considering a master's degree should visit the MAT page and the TLTE MA page.
Audience: 4 5 6 7 8
Class #: 5416
Location and Date:
Online (Asynchronous): June 10-July 12 (5 weeks)
MATH 802T - Functions, Algebra and Geometry
This course offers an introduction to the concept of a function and addresses both algebra and geometry topics. The course will deepen teachers’ understanding of the concepts of variable and function, problem solving, measurement, and geometric modeling, with emphasis on the connections between these concepts. Math 802T is part of our effort to assist teachers as they develop a strong foundation in mathematics focused on the mathematics that must be understood deeply to teach well at the middle grades. Seventh- and eighth-grade teachers considering a master's degree should visit the MAT page and the TLTE MA page. Teachers with secondary certification may prefer to take Math 810T or Math 811T. If you have taken Math 810T or Math 811T already, please request permission from your advisor before taking Math 802T.
Audience: 4 5 6 7 8 9
Class #: 3072
Locations and Dates:
Web Conferencing: July 8-12 and July 15-19, mornings, 8am-noon (Zoom, with breaks)
MATH 806T - Number Theory and Cryptology
This course focuses on basic number theory results which are needed to understand the number theoretic RSA cryptography algorithm (an encryption algorithm which is in use today to secure information sent via the internet). The course emphasizes connections to middle level mathematics and promotes a deep understanding of the integers and their properties. Elementary methods for encoding and decoding are introduced to elucidate the nature of cryptology. These methods are readily adaptable as enrichment activities in the classroom.
Audience: 6 7 8 9 10
Class #: 5421
Location and Dates:
In Person, Lincoln: July 8-12, 8am-5pm, UNL City Campus
MATH 807T - Using Mathematics to Understand our World
This course will examine the mathematics underlying several socially relevant questions from a variety of academic disciplines. Mathematical models of problems will be constructed and studied using a variety of topics and basic skills in algebra, functions, statistics and probability. Sources will include original documentation whenever possible (such as government data, reports and research papers) in order to provide a sense of the very real role that mathematics plays in society. Note: Math 807T is not open to teachers who have completed Math 809: Mathematical Modeling.
Audience: 7 8 9 10 11 12
Class #: 5418
Locations and Dates:
Web Conferencing: July 8-12 and July 15-19, 1pm-5pm (Zoom, with breaks)
MATH 812T - Geometry for Geometry Teachers
The main goal of the course is to strengthen your mathematical background for teaching Geometry. We will focus on fundamental concepts of Euclidean geometry, and use explorations to contrast them with non-Euclidean geometries (including spherical and hyperbolic geometries). We will make extensive use of simple, concrete materials and dynamic geometry software.
Audience: 9 10 11 12
Class #: 5419
Locations and Dates:
Web Conferencing: June 10-14 and June 17-21, 1pm-5pm (Zoom, with breaks)
MATH 893 - Using Technology to Aid in Problem Solving
A series of mathematics problems and strategies that are enhanced by explorations using technology (e.g., Desmos, Geogebra) are addressed. Attention will be paid to how technology can strengthen the teaching of mathematics. Note: Teachers who have already taken TEAC 880E: Teaching Mathematics with Technology, cannot take this course for credit toward their degree.
Audience: 9 10 11 12
Class #: 5420
Locations and Dates:
Online (Asynchronous): May 20-July 12 (8 weeks)
STAT 811T - Statistics for Middle-Level Teachers
The goal of the course is to introduce you to basic statistical concepts. The course will emphasize concepts applicable to the middle-level classroom and numerical literacy. It will also provide the basis for further study in statistics and school-based research.
Audience: 4 5 6 7 8 9
Class #: 8285
Locations and Dates:
In Person, Omaha: June 24-28, 8am-5pm
TEAC 807B - Equitable Practices in Mathematics Education: Teaching for Social Justice
This will take an interdisciplinary approach to understand what counts as social justice by looking at examples of classroom practice. The class will be anchored by examples of social justice and instances of social inequality in the teaching and learning of mathematics to better understand our/your own practice. This course will be an analysis of the application of equitable practices to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics. This class is intended for anyone teaching mathematics and other mathematics education stakeholders across all Pk-20 levels, with the primary goal of working toward all students and people having access to rich mathematical learning experiences.
Audience: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Class #: 6019
Locations and Dates:
In Person, Lincoln: May 28-June 7, noon-5pm, 125 CPEH on UNL City Campus
TEAC 849G - Assessment in Mathematics Education
This class will focus on examining mathematics classroom assessment and grading practices and policies. Emphasis will be placed on understanding assessment and grading from both a theoretical and practical perspective and implications for planning and enacting equitable mathematics instruction. Activities and assignments will include readings, discussions, written reflections, and a culminating assessment and grading philosophy and plan. The format of the two-week class will involve approximately 2 hours of synchronous instruction (virtual meetings) each day. The remaining work can be completed asynchronously. Required Text: Feldman (2018) Grading for Equity: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms
Audience: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Class #: 6021
Locations and Dates:
Web Conferencing: June 10-14 and 17-21, 8am-noon (Zoom with breaks)
TEAC 808J - Attending to Language in Mathematics Education
This course will take an interdisciplinary approach to explore and apply research-based instructional strategies that support multilingual learners in mathematics classrooms. We will examine different conceptualizations of language in the context of mathematics education and analyze how we can attend to language and linguistic demands of mathematics to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics. This course is intended for mathematics educators as well as other mathematics education stakeholders across PK-20 levels. The class will be a hybrid webinar learning experience over the span of two weeks.
Audience: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Class #: 6020
Location and Dates:
Web Conferencing, July 15-19 and 22-26, 1pm-5pm (Zoom with breaks)
NMSSI Courses for Science Teachers
All courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise noted.
GEOS 898 - Methods in Geoscience Field Instruction
This course, directed toward in-service teachers, comprises a 16-day inquiry-based field course and science-immersion discovery experience in Wyoming, Nebraska and South Dakota. The primary aims of this course are to improve educators' ability to teach inquiry, gain knowledge and understanding of geoscience, and to demonstrate effective teaching methods that teachers can integrate into K-12 science learning environments. The major goals of GEOS 898 are:
- To enhance the 'geoscience experience' for in-service science educators and their future students;
- To demonstrate inquiry concepts and skills that K-12 educators are expected to understand and employ;
- To inspire science educators to use inquiry and geoscience as unifying themes in their teaching activities;
- To provide all participants with a 'tool-kit' of effective inquiry-based teaching practices in all science fields.
Through a collaborative teaching and learning structure, all course participants will learn about geology, geoscience education, group dynamics, and more about themselves. The course will follow a route through Nebraska, Wyoming, and South Dakota and will expose you to scientific principles and practices through discovery- and inquiry-based learning. You will observe and study a variety of natural phenomena (with a focus on Earth processes and geological history). You will utilize science process skills to include: documentation, classification, question formulation, development of hypotheses and models, debating interpretations, and developing higher-level questions, etc. Evening discussions will be conducted around the campfire where we will explore effective teaching practices. You will work to develop tools and techniques to teach others what you have learned. You will collaborate with your peers to evaluate, compare, criticize and adjust your work. At the end of the course we will visit a site where you will engage in an authentic geologic exercise and apply the skills you have learned over the previous 10 days to construct a geologic history for the region. A video about the course provides information and testimonials from former participants, watch it here (may not work in Google Chrome).
Department consent will be required to register; e-mail dharwood1@unl.edu. All costs for food, accommodation, and transport are provided at no cost. This field course involves tent camping and moderate hiking, so participants should be in good physical condition.
Audience: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Class #: 3016, Section 591
Location and Dates:
In Person, travel: June 8-23
GEOS 898 Flyer
GEOS 898 - Geology of our Solar System
Embark on an immersive journey through the dynamic landscapes of our solar system where we delve into the geological processes shaping the surfaces of the celestial bodies and explore tools and techniques scientists employ to decipher the mysteries of our solar system. Through hands-on activities, virtual field trips, and interactive simulations, teachers will develop strategies for bringing these concepts to life in the classroom, fostering inquiry-based learning and critical thinking skills among their students.
Audience: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Class #: 8322
Location and Dates:
In Person, UNL City Campus: July 8-12, 8am-5pm
PHYS 892 - Vectors in Introductory Physics
Vectors are reviewed by exploring problem-solving strategies for the (typically "harder") starred end-of-chapter problems in high school textbooks and extended into 3-dimensions with the introduction vector algebra that defines "cross" and "dot" products. All material will be presented at a level understandable to those with only a background in algebra. Building upon the interpretation of simple straight line to curved graphs of time-varying motion, force, and energy, the basic algebraic definitions of physical quantities are used to gently introduce the calculus concepts of differentiation and integration.
Audience: 9 10 11 12
Class #: 3021
Locations and Dates:
In Person, UNL City Campus, July 8-12 and 15-19, 9 a.m.-noon, 245 Jorgensen Hall and online July 22-26