No Coast SciComm 2024

No Coast SciComm

scicomm mark with megaphone

Connecting Through Curiosity

October 29-31, 2024

General Registration $100 | Student Registration $50

Spider web with morning dew

SciComm is a conference dedicated to understanding and promoting effective communication of science to diverse audiences - including students of all levels as well as the general public - across all venues. The virtual conference will include keynote speakers, featured speakers, panels, a film festival, Science Slam and 15-minute talks from conference attendees. In-person networking events will be planned in Lincoln, Nebraska, for local participants (lodging is not provided).

If payment of the registration fee is an obstacle to your attending this event, please send an email to describing your circumstances.


The conference is virtual; the fun is real!

Be a part of the conference with the additional opportunities.

Oral Presentations

You are invited to participate in the conference by presenting a 15-minute presentation. If you are interested. please complete the form at the following link: You will be required to submit the title of your talk and an abstract (4,000 characters maximum).


Submit your talk abstract by 11:59pm CDT on Friday, October 4.

Science Slam

A Science Slam is a competition where researchers of ALL LEVELS and ALL SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINES are challenged to communicate their work in short, dynamic, engaging presentations, with a winner determined by the audience. Up to eight applicants will be selected to present 5-minute virtual talks at the No Coast SciComm Science Slam, which will be livestreamed on YouTube on Wednesday, October 30, at 7 p.m. CDT. Following the Slam talks, the live audience will vote to decide the winning Slammer, who will take home a $1,000 prize!

At this year's Science Slam, we invite you to share your best scary science story! Your application will be in the form of a 90-second video "trailer" previewing your potential Slam presentation, submitted via Padlet at the following link: Note that you must be logged in to view the Padlet; if you do not have a Padlet account, you can create one OR select "Log in to your Padlet account," then log in with Gmail, Microsoft, or Apple credentials. The selection committee is interested in the scientific content of your submission, but also in your ability to engage the viewer with your creativity and narrative skills.


Submit your Slam application video by 11:59pm CDT on Friday, October 18th.

Film Festival

To enter the No Coast SciComm Film Festival, submit a short film that communicates a scientific topic to a broad audience! Videos must be under 10 minutes in length and can be on any topic related to science and/or nature. This competition is open to scientists and non-scientists, amateurs and professionals, from anywhere in the world (must be 19 years of age or older). One People's Choice winner and one Judges' Choice winner will each receive a $500 prize. The winners will be announced at the Science Slam on October 30.


Submit your video via email to by 11:59pm CDT on Monday, October 14

Keynote Speakers

Alie Ward

Science Communicator. Podcaster.

More About Alie
portrait of alie ward

Chanda Prescod-Weinstein

Theoretical Physicist. Black Feminist.

More About Chandra
portrait of Chandra prescod-weinstein

Athena Aktipis

Writer. Podcaster.

More about Athena
portrait of Athena aktipis

Anna Antoniou

Anthropologist. Archaeologist.

More about Anna
potrait of Anna Antoniou

Featured Speakers and Presenters

The Bug Chicks

Scientists. Educators. Besties.

More about the Bug Chicks
picture of the bug chicks with bug nets in open field

Hassan Farah

Postdoc. Translational Biologist.

More about Hassan
portrait of hassan farah

Disan Davis

Researcher. Educator.

More about Disan
Disan Davis

Jocelyn Bullock

TedX Speaker. Ag Enthusiast. Ed Justice Advocate.

portrait of Jocelyn bullock

Ash Smith

Artist. Storyteller. World Builder.

More about Ash
portrait of ash smith

Rose Bear Don’t Walk

Séliš/Apsaálooke. Ethnobotanist.

portrait of rose bear don't walk

Caroline Hu

Cartoonist. Biologist. Educator.

More about Caroline
Caroline hu walking down a book aisle

Tom Costello

Psychologist. Thought Architect.

More about Tom
portrait of tom costello


All times are in Central Time Zone. Schedule is subject to change. 



11:00 am | Workshop 1

1:00 pm | Workshop 2

3:00 pm | Workshop 3

5:00 pm | Break

5:30 pm | Opening Welcome

6:00 pm | Panel Discussion 1

7:00 pm | Keynote 1




10:00 am | Keynote 2

11:00 am | Concurrent Sessions

12:00 pm | Break

12:30 pm | Concurrent Sessions

1:30 pm | Oral Presentations

2:00 pm | Break

2:30 pm | Keynote 3

3:30 pm | Panel Discussion 2

4:30 pm | Break

5:00 pm | Online Networking Session

6:00 pm | In-person Networking

7:00 pm | Science Slam




10:00 am | Keynote 4

11:00 am | Concurrent Sessions

12:00 pm | Oral Presentations

12:30 pm | Closing Remarks