Alison Klein
Kearney High School Kearney Public Schools, Kearney NE University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The Next Generation Science Standards, that were used to guide the Nebraska College and Career Ready Standards for Science, advocate for equitable learning opportunities for all science students. Research supports that when students are provided with equitable learning opportunities all students are able to engage in meaningful science learning. This challenge, of equitable instruction, goes beyond the classroom and permeates our education systems. A goal I have that will influence my professional development and support the goals of Kearney Public Schools is to build a stronger understanding of the components of equitable science instruction that apply to the classroom, building and district levels. My work towards National Board Certification will support me in implementing equitable practices in the classroom. My roles on building and district MTSS, School Improvement and curriculum teams will provide opportunities to create relationships with stakeholders within KPS and neighboring districts to meet this goal.
Leadership experience in science education:
NATS Board Member, KHS School Improvement Team, KHS MTSS Building Team Member, NASA Science Educator for MAVEN Project