Amanda Fricke
Omaha North High School Omaha Public Schools University of Nebraska-Lincoln
My hope is that as a Noyce Master Teacher Fellow that I will be able to increasingly engage students in my classroom by increasing opportunities for students to see how science is a part of their own lives. It is my hope that the increase in student efficacy will translate to increased achievement in Science and in turn the students will be better able to evaluate and tackle challenges that they face in and out of the Science classroom.
Leadership experience in science education:
*District curriculum writing team *Science Department Point of Contact, *NATS Participant, *NETA Participant, *Omaha Public Schools K-12 Comprehensive Science Teaching and Learning Grant Participant, *Certified Project Lead the Way Principles of Biomedical Science, Human Body Systems, and Medical Interventions teacher *Hosted multiple student teachers and pre-service teachers for clinical experiences, *New Teacher Mentor