Corey Gallegos
Central Middle School Millard Public Schools, Omaha NE University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Millard Central Middle School is the most diverse middle school in our district with the highest numbers of free / reduced lunches and sizable populations of ELL students, refugees and students with different abilities. Over seven years, I have observed that the diversity of our student body continues to steadily increase, and the trend will probably continue. Anecdotally speaking, it also appears as if more students with trauma are entering my classroom each year. It is imperative that teachers stay ahead of the curve if we are to meet the needs of our students. Being an informed consumer is one of the best ways I engage my science students. Educating them on how to think critically such as finding support for claims with sound evidence and solid reasoning helps prepare them for decisions they will soon be making as adults including shopping for healthcare, buying cars, choosing post-secondary education, promoting sustainable living and exercising the right to vote. Not every student wants to be a scientist or, as hard as it might be to say, even likes science, but it is imperative that teachers continue to develop informed science consumers. The Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship will help me do this.
Leadership experience in science education:
NSCAS Summative Science Task Assessment Writer & Content Bias Reviewer, 8th grade Science PLC Leader, Millard Public Schools Science Curriculum Advisory Committee, University of Colorado at Denver Outstanding Graduate of the School of Education and Human Development, NSTA National Conference Presenter.