Avatar for Ethan Van Winkle

Ethan Van Winkle

Lincoln Southeast High School Lincoln Public Schools, Lincoln NE University of Nebraska-Lincoln


My goal as a Noyce Master Teacher Fellow is to connect with the science teacher communities locally and nationally to develop robust grading practices in the realm of physics using standards-based grading and constructing a socioscientific issues (SSI) curriculum surrounding it. I aim to increase engagement and generate a more inclusive and equitable classroom by implying these goals. I want all students to see themselves as scientists. Simply ‘all students’ means everyone to me. All people should have access to learning science to fulfill our natural curiosity. As teachers we should work to tear down any barriers that may try to interfere with this. We are all learning something new every day. My job will be to inspire the people I meet to want to be life-long learners, always searching for new ways to analyze their surroundings.

Leadership experience in science education:

Physical Science Curriculum Committee, Hyde Observatory Board Member, NITARP