Rosa Linda Acevedo

Biomechanical Engineering


Hometown: Scottsbluff, NE
High school: Torrington High School, Wyoming
Semester Selected: Fall 2021

Who is someone (teacher, mentor, role model) in STEM you look up to and why? My older sister. She is strong, resilient, and level headed. She is a non-traditional student and is working on her PHD in Psychology. I strive to follow in her foot steps and create my own wonderful life!

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone considering a STEM major? Ask questions, and ask for help. The resources are endless. Keep up on the homework and learn as much as your brain can hold!

What are you looking forward to in the STEM CONNECT program? Everything! So far I have enjoyed every seminar and have learned a lot about my field of study, also with learning many things about myself.

What is one misconception about STEM that you want to break? It's mostly men in the field. I would love to see the amount of women in this program currently, to move forward in the field and be successful!

How do you use STEM in your life? I believe that I am a bit more of an engineer. I am constantly learning how things go together. I am constantly fixing things, building things, and using my imagination. Now that I am in school I have the opportunity to get to the "nitty gritty" of things and understand how math and science play a huge part in the field of study I am in.